Saturday, 18 January 2014

Gym Routine | Week 1

So for the first week i'm going to include pictures for those who do not know what certain machines are or certain moves etc.

Week 1 gym routine was pretty intense and has been within the range of 1 hour to an hour and a half depending how quick I get the machine work done. So here we go...

 I start of with a work up on the bike machine for 10 minutes on level 5 not going below 6mph

I then move on to the leg press machine - for this work out you place your legs at a 90 degree angle onto the pad, then pushing with your legs push forward until your legs are fully extended but not locking your knees. I start off with a weight of 32kg and do 20, I then increase the weight to 39kg and do another 20, then again increase the weight to 45kg and complete 20 presses, then 52kg and complete 20 presses, then 59kg and again another 20 presses so all in all I complete 100 presses.

Then I move on to the leg curl machine to complete this workout you sit with your ankles resting on the pad underneath and the pad on top sits on your knees or thigh depending on your height.Then you push down with your legs until your feet are at a 90 degree angle. Starting off on a low level (level 3) I complete 10 curls, then I continue to move up the levels 1 at a time up to level 7 doing 10 curls each level. Completing 70 curls in total.

Next I move on to the abdominal crunch machine, this one is a little weird and I have had a few debates on whether it actually works or not - however anything is better than nothing. For this machine you sit in a comfortable position with your feet on the pad at the bottom with them secured by the pads above. Then place the upper pad against your chest and holding the handles push forward. I started off on an 18kg weight and completed 15 crunches, then moving up to 23kg and completing another 15 crunches, then again moving up to 27kg and doing another 15 crunches doing 45 crunches in total.

 Then I move on to the rowing machine, doing 5 minutes and staying at 29spm and completing around 700 meters
Then I start the hip abductions and reductions, with a weight of 18kg moving up to 29kg doing 20 each time and then finally moving on to 32kg and doing 10 on this weight so a total of 50 hip abductions and 50 hip reductions.

 Then I move on to my main arm work outs which start off with the chest press, with a weight of 18kg and doing 40 presses all together

Then I do the lat pulls, which I set to a weight of 25kg and do 20

Then I do the leg press again at a weight of 59kg and do 20 presses. 

 Then I move back on to the abdominal crunches on the machine again - this time setting it to a weight of 27kg and completing 30 crunches

Then I do some more cardio a little bit more intense this time with the cross trainer doing 5 minutes not going below 80rpm 

Then I finish of my workouts with a little bit less intense exercises to help cool down. Doing 15 abdominal crunches on the mat.

Then 15 full sit ups

Then I complete 15 side leg raises on each leg 

Then I do 15 double leg raises

Then I do 15 squats with a medicine ball weighing 10kg..

Then I finish of my workout with 5 minutes on the bike again doing a slow pace and then doing a routine of stretches.

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